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Privacy Policy pursuant to the Regulation (EU) n.679 / 2016 (GDPR)

Who we are?

Who we are?

L’Angolo dei Fiori of Sardone Paola, is based in Rome, Via di Torrevecchia 1119, and in the person of its owner,Paola Sardone, operates in the electronic commerce of horticultural products and gift items.
The data controller is Sardone Paola and can be contacted at

What information do we collect?

What information do we collect?

  • Sender
    L’Angolo dei Fiori collects the personal information you entered during the purchase process and / or registration to the site and / or registration to the newsletter. We use this information to provide you with a always better service and always closer to your needs.
    In particular, we collect the following data:
    • Personal data for registering an account on
      During the registration on our website,, we collect some of your personal information necessary to carry out our service:
      • Identification data such as first name, city, province, country, addresses, phone numbers, e-mail addresses, provided in the registration of your account on
      • Other data that is required and/or authorized to collect and process, in accordance with current legislation, in order to authenticate or identify the user and/or to verify the information collected.
    • Personal data acquired automatically when you make a purchase.
      To guarantee optimal service we collect some data during the purchase process and/or when you communicate with us. These data allow us to be able to manage and resolve any problematic concerning your purchase. Data on your computer and connection, for example, statistics on page views, URL of origin, IP address.
    • Personal data entered by you when you make a purchase.
      During the purchase process you will enter the data relating to the sender and the recipient of the product. These data will be necessary to complete the order and for the delivery.
    • Personal data that we collect via cookies.
      We use some cookies to track user actions on our site
      N.B. Tracking information is collected and managed by third-party services ( See Cookie Information ).
    • Personal data recipients collected by the client.
      In the event that the recipient of the product is a different person from the buyer, not forget to inform the recipient of the product purchased on the modalities with which we acquire, process, transmit and store his personal data.
      N.B. All personal data on a recipient other than the client can be entered exclusively with the explicit consent of the recipient.
  • Recipient
    L’Angolo dei Fiori collects the personal data entered by the sender during the purchase process. We use this data only and exclusively for the delivery of the product purchased by the sender, including any problems directly related to the delivery(Example: incomplete and / or incorrect data). In particular, we collect the following data:
    • Personal data entered by the sender during the purchase process.
      During the purchase process the sender will insert, in addition to his own data, the data of the recipient of the product. These data will be necessary to complete the order and for the procedure of product delivery.
      In the event that the recipient of the product is a different person from the buyer, it will be the sender's duty inform the recipient of the treatment to which his data will be submitted. N.B. All personal data concerning a recipient other than the sender may be entered only with explicit consent of the recipient.

How do we use your personal information?

How do we use your personal information?

  • Sender
    We use your personal information to be able to provide you with an adequate and complete service as possible, putting in place a treatment in line with the requirements of the new regulations in force.

    • Provision of services
      To be able to provide our services and products sometimes it is necessary to process your data personal; without this use we will not be able to provide you with our services and products.
      Here are some examples:
      • We can contact you regarding an incomplete order, to solve problems related to a payment, for problems related to accessing your account, to give you the confirmation of delivery and for all that is related to the supply of ours Services and Products.
      • When we contact you for the purposes described above, we may communicate with you via email, phone, SMS, postal communications and push notifications on mobile devices.
      • To ensure the efficiency of any telephone contacts, we can use automatic or preregistered calls and SMS in the manner permitted by the law current. Rates for messages and data may apply.
      • To provide the services you have requested, based on the information you provide, when we collect the data.
      • To prevent, detect, mitigate and ascertain fraud, breaches of security and potentially prohibited or illegal activities.

    • Legitimate interest
      We use your personal information to pursue our legitimate interests, so that we do not prevail over your rights and your fundamental freedoms. We have implemented controls for a fair balance between our interests and your rights. This includes the following:
      • Improve our Services, for example, by examining data on blocked pages or non-functional users visit, so you can identify and resolve them problems and provide you with a better experience.
      • Contact you by email or mail to offer coupons, discounts and special promotions, to know your opinions through surveys or questionnaires and to inform you about ours Services, as permitted by current legislation.
      • Present you with targeted marketing campaigns, service updates and promotional offers based on notification preferences.
      • Measure the performance of our marketing email campaigns (eg by analyzing the percentages of opening and clicking).
      • Monitor and improve the security of information on our site

    • Marketing and/or resolution of disputes
      With your consent, we may use your personal data for:
      • Make marketing via phone calls, email or SMS.
      • Contact you to resolve disputes and/or problems with purchases and/or account
    • You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time.
    • Recipient
      We use the recipient's personal data to be able to complete the delivery of the purchased product from the sender and for anything that is connected to the delivery (eg resolution of disputes, problematic delivery resolutions, etc.) by implementing a treatment in line with the requirements of the new regulations in force.
      • Product delivery
        In order to deliver our products it is necessary to process the personal data of the recipient; without this use we would not be able to complete the delivery. Sometimes we may need to contact the recipient in order to pinpoint the location accurately established for delivery:
        • We can contact the recipient regarding an incorrect and/or incomplete address and for all that is linked to the delivery of the product.
        • When we contact the recipient for the purposes described above, we may communicate with him through email, phone, text message.
        • To prevent, detect, mitigate and ascertain fraud, breaches of security and potentially prohibited or illegal activities.
      • Legitimate interest
        We use your personal information to pursue our legitimate interests, so that we do not prevail over your rights and your fundamental freedoms.
      • You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time.

How can you revoke your consent?

How can you revoke your consent?

  • Marketing
    If you do not wish to receive marketing communications, you can unsubscribe through the link in the email you received. Keep in mind that we do not sell or give in back compensation or otherwise disclose your personal data to third parties for marketing purposes without your consent.
  • Other uses established by this legislation Contacting the Data Controller to process the data at its address e-mail

Can a minor use the services of

Can a minor use the services of

The Services offered by are not intended for minors under the age of 18. If personal data relating to a minor were inadvertently registered, the controller will delete them promptly, at the request of users.

Access, check, correct, revoke

Access, check, correct, revoke

You can access your data at any time by logging on On the personal page you will be able to view and correct most of the your data. Update your personal data immediately in case of changes or errors. Remember that once you have posted content, you may not be able to edit or remove it. Through the user panel it will not be possible to modify all your data in full; anyhow you can request a complete access by writing to and request it modification and/or cancellation. In some cases provided for by current legislation, despite your possible right to request access, modification or deletion of your personal data, we may deny such access or refuse it modification or cancellation of personal data. At any time you can ask us to stop processing some or all of your personale data and/or revoke (if applicable) your consent to our use or our sharing of your personal data for the purposes described in this Privacy Notice. The interruption of treatment and/or withdrawal of consent, in some cases, could result the impossibility of providing our services. Upon your request, we will close the account as soon as possible and remove your personal information, depending on the case of the activities of your account and in accordance with current legislation.

Can I close my account?

Can I close my account?

You can close your account at any time by writing to, within 48 h we will cancel your account and all the information linked to it, as long as this does not violate the current legislation regarding the conservation of fiscal data (orders, invoices, etc.). The account will no longer be recoverable.

Who do we share your personal information with?

Who do we share your personal information with? shares your personal data with third parties only and exclusively for the purpose of provide the services you requested and/or purchased and to ensure full compliance with regulations current. In particular, we share your data with:

  • Payment service providers and financial institutions
    Depending on the chosen payment methodology, it may be necessary to share some of your data (name, surname, etc.) with the service provider.
    In any case, the identification number of the order and the amount to be paid will always be shared. For more details, you can view the payment services table N.B. will receive only the result from the payment manager of the transaction; your payment details will not be processed in any way.
  • Webmasters, security experts
    • If you have encountered problems and/or technical problems with our services, we may share this information with third parties. Subjects involved will use such data only and exclusively for the purpose of correction of the problems encountered
  • Application of the law, legal proceedings and procedures authorized by law
    • will share data, in compliance with current regulations, with Authorities or law enforcement agencies or authorized third parties in response to one verified request or other procedure required by law related to an investigation criminal or illegal activity or alleged or any other activity that expose our business and/or your person and/or our affiliate to one legal responsibility. We will provide the information we deem relevant to the purpose inquiries or requests, such as name, city, province, postal code, telephone number, email address, User ID history, IP address, complaints, chronology acquires.
In some cases the recipient can request the data of the client, but will be able to supply them only and exclusively with the written permission of the client.

With whom do we share the recipient's personal data?

With whom do we share the recipient's personal data?

In order to guarantee the delivery of the purchased product we share the data of the recipient to parts indicated below:

  • Florists affiliated to
    • For the preparation and delivery of the product you have purchased;
    • For the resolution of any disputes and/or problems;
  • Third party carriers
    • For the preparation and delivery of the product you have purchased;
    • For the resolution of any disputes and/or problems;
    • Carriers in charge of delivering the purchased product
  • Webmasters, security experts
    • If you have encountered problems and/or technical problems with our services, we may share this information with third parties. Subjects involved will use such data only and exclusively for the purpose of correction of the problems encountered
  • Application of the law, legal proceedings and procedures authorized by law
    • will share data, in compliance with current regulations, with Authorities or law enforcement agencies or authorized third parties in response to one verified request or other procedure required by law related to an investigation criminal or illegal activity or alleged or any other activity that expose our business and/or your person and/or our affiliate to one legal responsibility. We will provide the information we deem relevant to the purpose inquiries or requests, such as name, city, province, postal code, telephone number, email address, User ID history, IP address, complaints, chronology acquires.

How are the data for shipments abroad processed?

How are the data for shipments abroad processed?

Personal data collected for the purchase of a product could be transferred abroad if the sender wanted to send the product outside the national borders. In this case the data will be transmitted to one of the affiliates of of the country of destination of the product for the purpose of delivery and will be processed according to the laws of the country of destination of the product.

How long can we keep and / or process your data?

How long can we keep and / or process your data?

The storage of your personal data may vary significantly depending on the context of the Services that we provide and our administrative obligations and/or obligations under the legislation in force in Italy.

  • Purchasing data
    • The data will be processed only and exclusively to improve the purchasing procedures, delivery and possible feedback and/or controversy related to the purchase itself
    • In order to guarantee a usable and practical system we will keep the data related to yours orders for the period you deem most appropriate. At any time by logging into your account you can complete the cancellation of your order history. Or requesting its cancellation to
  • Data entered by the user during registration
    • The data will be processed and stored until the user is registered on the site Should the user decide to cancel his/her registration, data will be deleted and no longer recoverable.
  • Newsletter
    • The data will be processed and stored until the user is registered for the newsletter of the site Should the user decide to cancel his/her own registration, the data will be deleted and no longer recoverable.
When it is no longer necessary to keep personal data, these will be removed safely in compliance with our rules on data retention and deletion. N.B. The user is guaranteed the right to be forgotten as long as this right does not conflict with the law current legislation regarding the conservation of tax data; therefore, it may not be possible delete all information about a user's purchases before 10 years from the date of purchase.